Spark the Conversation

Spark the Conversation

Spark the Conversation: Second Century Discussion Guide

The Second Century initiative creates the opportunity for members to expand their view beyond their known environment — learning from the rich history of the Academy’s past and building on this foundation to create a greater future. Through the understanding of research, member expertise and nutrition knowledge, both in and outside the dietetics profession, we can begin to realize an expansive view of the profession’s future. Over the next three years, the Academy will be pulling together input from members, thought leaders and external partners, centered on creating a future where people and communities flourish because of the transformational power of food and nutrition.

Begin by delving into the Academy’s history and critical analyses of practice topics that address key societal concerns:

Dream big and start the conversation with your colleagues on where you see the future of the profession:

  • What were the game-changing innovations of pioneering dietetics professionals in the first 100 years of the profession?
  • What can we learn from the past 100 years to help positively impact the second century of the
  • Academy?
  • Where do we now fit in as dietetics professionals? How can I move myself forward to support the future of the profession and the health of the world?
  • What does the future look like for our profession? How are we interacting with other professions/fields?
  • When we think of the interplay between food, nutrition and health, what areas can we identify that impact the world and what solutions can we create to promote positive change?